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Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Financial Year ended 31st August 2023

This Statement has been published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 ('Act') and sets out the steps that T&M Topco Limited ('T&M') and its subsidiary companies has taken during the previous financial year to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking from operating within either its own business or its supply chains. We recognise that modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. T&M operates a several consumer-facing brands through one main operating company Branded Garden Products Limited, and this statement covers the steps adopted in that company.

Company Overview

T&M is a multi-channel retailer specialising in plants, seeds and associated garden products. We own a number of the UK's best known horticultural brands:

  • Thompson and Morgan
  • Suttons
  • Van Meuwen
  • Dobies
  • The Organic Gardening Catalogue
  • Garden Gear
  • Happy Beaks

We operate from two main UK locations at Ipswich and Paignton.

Modern Slavery in our Business

We want our customers to be confident that we treat our employees fairly, with respect for human rights and are not exposed to unsafe working conditions or in any way forced to work under slavery. We believe that when ethical standards are in place this can improve worker well-being, productivity and quality. We do this through a series of measures and policies covering Whistleblowing, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, ensuring all employees have employment contracts, and we also monitor employee remuneration and benefits to ensure it meets national legislative requirements. Each year we also undertake anonymous employee surveys to monitor employee satisfaction, engagement and welfare. During peak periods we often employ a significant number of seasonal workers who are always recruited through accredited agencies.

Modern Slavery in the Supply Chain

We also want our customers to be confident that our business partners and in particular our suppliers treat their employees as fairly as we treat our own employees. Imported products sourced from outside the UK or the EU are potentially more at risk of slavery or human trafficking issues, and we focus our efforts accordingly. Where possible we have built long-standing relationships with our suppliers and we make very clear our expectations of business behaviour, engaging only those suppliers that uphold the same principles as T&M. A standard supplier contract clause has been introduced requiring compliance with the Modern Slavery Act, and if suppliers fail to take steps to cease or prevent adverse human rights impacts, T&M will terminate its business relationships with those suppliers.

We work closely with our suppliers in helping them achieve the necessary levels of social compliance and favour those businesses which demonstrate appropriate social accreditations such as those offered through organisations such as SEDEX and BSCI. We use independent review bodies in overseas markets to ensure standards are maintained. We also monitor our agency labour suppliers to ensure they are licensed with the GLAA and follow the legal requirements set out by the authority.

We recognise that all our employees have a responsibly to be alert to the risks, however small, in our business and in the wider supply chain. We have developed a very open management style and culture which encourages the reporting of concerns to senior management as soon as they are raised, and management are expected to act upon them immediately.

This Statement has been approved by the Board of Directors.

Mike Rees
Director - T&M Topco Limited
22nd December 2023



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